Today is Trick-Or-Treat day in my town. Halloween was always a favorite holiday growing up. Getting dressed up, going around the neighborhood and taking stock of the loot.
It doesn't seem like Halloween hold the same for the kiddos that stopped by my door. Just now I had some kids stop by. I have a deck with a doorbell that leads to enclosed porch. I was standing in the kitchen and could hear the kids on the deck. It sounded like they knocked but I wasn't sure. They got mad and were about to leave when they saw the door bell. *Ding Dong*
I grabbed the candy and went to the door. I opened the door and the girls just stood there. No trick or treat, no hello. The three girls just stood there. I asked them what do you say and they just stood there. One finally said trick or treat. One of the other's asked how many pieces she could have (???). As they left (no thank yous) I said You're welcome! The girls just took a hand full of wet leaves the threw them at the house....
On a plus side, as I was writing this a Cat Fairy stopped by my house. Was super excited for Halloween and very appreciative. She was so cute, she got two pieces of candy! I guess the Halloween spirit does still exist.
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